Hungarian music

Part 1

Unfortunately Hungarian pop music is not really famous in other countries but there are some bands, songwriters and musicians who are known abroad.

The band Omega is path-breaker in more aspects in Hungarian light music. This is the first band from our country which got out to the UK and among the Hungarian bands they sold the highest number of records at home and abroad as well.


Edda Művek is one of Hungary's  most famous rock bands. It was formed in Miskolc and in the aspect of sold records this band is the country's most succesful rock band. Almost every record of theirs became gold. They were the firsts who got famous inspite of not living in the capital - so they broke the autarchy of the bands from Budapest.


Republic is a Hungarian band which plays light music. Not so long after their  formation they won the rock festival in Balatonlelle


Illés-együttes was the 60s and the 70s most popular beat band. They were tolerated by the communist era that time


Bikini is a Hungarian rock band. Originally the band was formed by Nagy Feró but from 1985 D. Nagy Lajos is their leading man. They have recorded many hits.

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