5th international meeting in Périgueux, France


Programme  12 – 16 April 2010


Monday 12 April


   All at school   17:00 / 19 :00    Opening ceremony :


                                                     -  Welcome speeches

                                                     -  Unveiling of the Comenius plaque

                                                     -  Presentation of our region and of our school

                                                     - The mime show (a game)

                                                     -  Introducing the partners to their French correspondents

                                                     - Aperitif


In the evenings the students are at their correspondents’.The teachers stay at the hotel.



Tuesday 13 April


All               8:45                            Arrival at school


All               9:15                            Departure for the Conseil Général


All               9:30 / 11:00                Reception at the Conseil Général


All               11:30 / 12:30              Reception at the Town Hall


All               13:00                          Lunch at school


Teachers    14:00 /16:00                Work session


Students    14:00 / 16:00               Pedestian and photo contest through Périgueux


All              16:30 / 17:30               Films,  presentations about the project

Wednesday 14 April  

All                         Day out


8:00                       Arrival at school


8:30                       Departure to go to Sarlat by coach


10:00 / 12:00        Visit of Sarlat, a medieval town in the black Périgord


12:30 /13:30          Picnic


14:00 / 16:00        Visit of Les Eyzies, the French capital of prehistory (Neandertal man :

                              80000 years ago, Cro-Magnon man : 35000 years ago)


16:00 / 17:30        Visit of the Prehistoric Cave of Rouffignac ( an authentic cave called the

                              cave of the Hundred Mammoths whose drawings date back to 14000 years)


18 :30                   Back to school.




Thursday 15  April


All                8:15                       Arrival at school


All                8:30 / 9:00             Visit of the school


Teachers     9:00 / 11:30            Work session  


Students     9:00 / 10:00            - A French lesson

                    10:00 / 11:00          - A music lesson 

                    11:00 / 11:30          - Results of the contest done on Tuesday afternoon


All              11:30 / 12:30           Films, presentations about the project


All              13 : 00                     Lunch at school


All              14:00 / 17:00           Vesunna (a Gallo Roman museum) +  Visit of Périgueux



All at school           18:30/ 22:30             Farewell party


                                        - Folk group

                                        - Dinner 

                                        - Disco


Friday 16 April  Departure day


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