2009.02.22. 22:06
Bemutatkozó kérdőív
WORKSHEET 1Read the instructions below and write down your answers in the diagram on worksheet 2.Look at the large rectangle in the middle of worksheet 2. Write down your surname, your first name, your nationality.In the blank space above the large rectangle, write down one thing you hate doing. In the blank spaces below the large rectangle, write down two things you enjoy doing.Look at the top left-hand corner:Next to number 1 write down what your ambition in life is. ( ex : job, career…)Next to number 2 write down what your passions are. ( hobbies, activities,… two maximum)Next to number 3 write down what your main quality is.In the circle under number 3 write down how old you are.Look at the top right-hand corner and write down the word you love best in the rectangle.Look at the bottom left-hand corner and write down the word you hate most in the rectangle.Look at the bottom right hand-corner :Next to number 4 write down the main difficulty you are confronted at home with the members of your family.Next to number 5 write down the main difficulty you are confronted at school with your friends or your teachers.Next to number 6 write down what your main defect is.In the circle above number 4 write down the name of your favourite hero, dead or alive.In the small circle under the rectangle write down the initial M for male (boy) or F for female (girl).In the small circle above the rectangle write down the initial O if you are an optimistic person or P if you are pessimistic.

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