Bernadett Kővári


"My name is Bernadett Kővári. My nickname is Berni. I'm from Tolna, I'm 14 years old. I like singing and playing the guitar. I'm crazy. :P"




Etelka Puskás


"My name is Etelka Puskás, my nickname is Etus. I am from Tolna and I'm 14 years old. I like singing and reading."


Gergő Inhoff


"My name is Gergő Inhoff, I'm 15 years old. I like playing football and playing the guitar. I like rock and pop music. I'm a good student but a bit lazy. My favourite TV programme is House M.D. "



Kata Méhes


"My name is Kata Méhes, I'm 15 years old. I am an only child. My hobbies are football and handball, in summer I like staying at our weekendhouse. I like all sorts of music."



Zsuzsanna Folk


"My name is Zsuzsanna Folk, I'm 14 years old. My hobbies are football and folkdancing. I have a sister. I like all sorts of music."


Dia Schrick


"My name is Dia Schrick, I'm 15 years old. I study at Mihály Sztárai Secondary Grammar School. I love English and everything what's connected with Eglish. I play the flute but I don't really like it. In my freetime I like reading, cycling, listening to music and learning languages. My friends say that I'm friendly, nice and very ambitious." 

Gergely Vajda


"My name is Gergely Vajda, I'm 15 years old. I live with my parents and my elder brother. I like playing football and computer games. My favourite football club is Arsenal. I like rap and hip hop music. I'm very friendly because I like making friends, but I'm a bit stubborn."


 Dávid Koleszár


"My name is Dávid Koleszár, I'm 15 years old and I like playing football and computer games. My favourite subjects are Maths, Physics and P.E. My favourite books are Dan Brown's.  I'm sometimes hard-working and sometimes lazy." 

 Gréta Csányi


"My name is Gréta Csányi. My favourite freetime activity is drawing and reading manga books. I have a bunny. My favourite animal is the fox. I love animals. I'm kind but sometimes agressive. I have long red hair and I'm short. I would like to travel to Japan because I very like that country."  



Brigitta Kato


"My name is Brigitta Kato, I am 16 years old. I am hot tempered but most of the time calm. I like music above all. Music is my mood, my food, my unsaid words, all. Besides listening to music I like drawing and doing whatever on the computer. I like sports too, such as skating or swimming. I like horror and things that can scare me. In overall I am loyal and available to talk about anything. I think I am friendly, but also very insane. I hate pink and girly stuff."

Zita Csurgai


"My name is Zita Csurgai, I'm 14 years old. I study at Mihály Sztárai Secondary Grammar school. I love playing volleyball. I play the piano. My favourite sparetime activities are reading, listening to music and doing sports (e.g.: dancing). I am friendly."  



 Kisanna Szentes


"My name is Kisanna Szentes, I'm 14 years old. I study at Mihály Sztárai Secondary Grammar school. I love playing volleyball and I play the piano. My favourite freetime activity is reading. I am very ambitious." 


Péter Rozgonyi


My name is Peter Rozgonyi. I'm 15 years old and I live with my parents and my brother. I like listening to music. Besides music I like playing computer games. My favourite bands are Nightwish and Iron Maiden.



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